Rune Bosse

If I was a plant, in the summer of 1987.
sprouting between the forest and the beach,
on southern Zealand in Denmark.
Then I would grow, become interested in growing.
Later in life through being moved and moving,
collect nourishment from different soils and places,
play with, and on, the different grounds.
I would learn and seek inspiration in my natural surroundings.
It would be a tricker in my work.
Both thru questioning the world,
how is it put together?
and the possibilities of assembling it in new ways.
I often would find myself confused and not sure of where i was going,
Then locating the starting point or origin,
would make it possible to create a line
and see a connection,
it would give me direction knowing the nature of things.
Eksempler på værker
Jeg er enormt glad og beæret over at modtage legatet.
Det giver mig mulighed for at fordybe mig yderligere i mit arbejde med træer, som både kræver tålmodighed og masser af tid.
Med legatet kan jeg nu plante flere træer og bruge tid på at passe og pleje dem der allerede er, og fortsætte mit arbejde med at forsøge at forme træerne til levende skulpturer i skoven.